(Sipe) 012.png)
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All resources shown here (screenshots and pictures) were taken from www.edicola8bit.com
This software compilation was sold together with a magazine and includes the following:
- Prisoner Rescue (Green Beret)
- Frog (Booga-Boo)
- Earth Crash (Terramex)
- Rock (Flappy)
- Brick Break (Arkanoid)
- Worm (Monster's Fair)
- Labyrinth (Space Maze Attack)
- Pinguin (Antarctic Adventure)
- Crossing ii (Army Moves 2)
- Boat (Sailor's Delight)
- Tiramolla (Thing Bounces Back)
- Far West (Colt 36)
- Wondering Stones (Meteoros)
- il Topo (Funky Mouse)
- Flipper Game (Thunder Ball)
- Dragon (Godzilla)
- Space Shot (Alpha Blaster)
- Love Game (Binary Land)
- Custom Ball (Raster Scan)
- Make a Pizza (Attack of the Killer Tomatoes)
Compilation content
Showing 20 titles. Click here to show them in a list
Series or sagas
- Name of the series
- Hit Parade MSX
- Titles
16 Hit Parade MSX N.9
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